Introduction to course: Positive Emotional Health & Well-Being

Introduction: Positive Emotional Health & Well-Being

Are you ready to lead the life you were born to live? The one where you wake up each morning, smile and think “Today is going to be a good day.”

Because this can be you.

You no longer need to secretly wonder what is wrong with me, or look at social media and think, why is everyone else so happy.

This course addresses the most common hurdles we trip over in life. Don’t worry, we all trip at some point. It’s just a matter of learning the skills to combat these thoughts and feelings that are holding us back.

These are tried and tested techniques from over fifteen years of counselling, publishing books and articles, running workshops and Professional Development.


In this course you will learn how to de-clutter and quiet your busy mind to genuinely feel calm and present, to let go of old stories, pains and memories that are holding you back. You will understand how the brain works and holds on to negative thoughts, and how to re-train the brain in to positive and empowering self-talk. You will learn how to strip away societal, cultural and familial pressures, find your voice and make decisions that are right for you, re-define success and failures in your life to feel more positive with forward momentum. And you will look at perfectionism, making sure it is not getting in your way, and learn the 3-step process to combat anxiety.

The 6 videos in this course include:

-      Free your Mind

-      Letting Go

-      Breaking Free of Negative Thoughts

-      Intuitive Decision-Making

-      Perfectionism, Success & Failure

-      Combatting Anxiety 

Plus bonus videos and worksheets from my book ‘The Key.’

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